MTH Networks - Notice history

OFNL - Operational

99% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 98.33%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

MS3 - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

Freedom Fibre - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

Openreach - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

Vodafone - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

VoIP - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

Glide - Operational

100% - uptime
Apr 2023 · 100.0%May · 100.0%Jun · 100.0%
Apr 2023
May 2023
Jun 2023

Notice history

Jun 2023

  • Resolved

    Update (29 Jun 2023 18:38hrs)
    Work to restore service was completed at 18:30 on Thursday 29/06/2023. Customers should now find services to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor services to ensure they remain stable.

    Any issues being experienced after this time should be treated as individual cases and reported in the usual manner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

  • Update

    Update (29 Jun 2023 11:29hrs)
    Engineers are on-site and progressing with the fibre repair work.

    Further updates will be provided as soon as possible.

    We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Update (29 Jun 2023 07:47hrs)
    Engineers are expected to be on-site this morning to progress the planned fibre-strike repair work.

    Further updates will be provided as soon as possible.

    We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Identified

    Update (28 Jun 2023 14:39hrs)
    Engineers have been investigating the problem and found that this incident has been caused by a fibre-strike, by a third-party working on-site.

    Third-party engineers are scheduled to perform repair works tomorrow, 29/06/23.

    Further updates will be provided as soon as possible.

    We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Investigating

    Last updated:(28 Jun 2023 13:03hrs)
    Status: Currently open.
    Location: Chichester PO19.
    We are currently experiencing a network incident in the Chichester PO19 area, affecting 10% of voice and data services. Engineers are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Resolved

    Update (26 Jun 2023 13:27hrs)
    Work to restore service by our third-party supplier was completed at 11:46 on 26/06/23. Customers should now find services to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor services to ensure they remain stable.

    Any issues being experienced after this time should be treated as individual cases and reported in the usual manner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

  • Identified

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    It has been identified that this incident has been caused by an issue with a third party carrier, who provide service to us in this area.

    We are working with the provider to resolve this issue and a further update will be provided within 2 hours or sooner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Investigating

    Location: Chelmsford CM3 Cressing CM77 Colchester CO9.

    We are currently experiencing a network incident in Chelmsford CM3, Cressing CM77, and Colchester CO9 affecting Broadband services. Engineers are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    We do apologise on behalf of the OFNL Network for the inconvenience caused here. We will continue to do everything within our power to get your services back up and running as soon as possible.

  • Update

    Update (21 Jun 2023 20:52hrs)
    This incident was closed on Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 at 20:52hrs.

  • Resolved

    Update (21 Jun 2023 20:51hrs)
    Work to restore service was completed at 16:00 on Wednesday 21/06/2023. It was identified that our equipment experienced a power outage. Customers should now find services to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor services to ensure they remain stable.

    Any issues being experienced after this time should be treated as individual cases and reported in the usual manner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

  • Update

    Update (21 Jun 2023 12:35hrs)
    Our engineer is travelling to site to investigate the problem. Their current ETA is 14:00.

    A further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

  • Investigating

    Last updated:(21 Jun 2023 11:27hrs)
    Status: Currently open.
    Location: Kilburn NW6.
    We are currently experiencing a network incident in the Kilburn NW6 area, affecting voice and data services. Engineers are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Resolved

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Work to restore service was completed at 08:04 on 21/06/23. Customers should now find services to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor services to ensure they remain stable.

    Any issues being experienced after this time should be treated as individual cases and reported in the usual manner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

  • Update

    Update (20 Jun 2023 15:28hrs)
    Our engineers are on-site installing the temporary generator to supply Low Voltage power.

    Power should be restored within the hour, along with customer services.

    After this, services will remain at risk until the permanent power solution has been put in place, which we are also currently progressing.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Update

    Update (20 Jun 2023 13:42hrs)
    The power could not be sustained on the previously mentioned temporary solution. As such, we have now directed another of our engineers to attend site with a generator which should provide more reliable temporary power.

    We will provide a further update as soon as the engineer provides us with their ETA. The power should be restored shortly after their arrival, along with customer services.

    After this, services will remain at risk until the permanent power solution has been put in place, which we are also currently progressing.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Update

    Update (20 Jun 2023 12:02hrs)
    We have identified that our equipment has been affected by a loss of low voltage power.

    Our engineer on-site is organising temporary power. You may still experience a loss of service until power is fully restored.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Identified

    Update (20 Jun 2023 09:20hrs)
    Engineers have been investigating this outage. We are unable to ascertain the nature of the outage so we have dispatched a Field Engineer to visit the site.

    Our Field Engineers ETA is 10:30.

    We will continue to work to resolve this issue and a further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Investigating

    Last updated:(20 Jun 2023 08:48hrs)
    Status: Currently open.
    Location: Stourbridge DY8.
    We are currently experiencing a network incident in the Stourbridge DY8 area, affecting voice and data services. Engineers are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Resolved

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Update (18 Jun 2023 23:35hrs)
    This incident was closed on Sunday, June 18th, 2023 at 23:35hrs.
    Work to restore service was completed at 23:15 on 18/06/23. Customers should now find services to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor services to ensure they remain stable.

    Any issues being experienced after this time should be treated as individual cases and reported in the usual manner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience throughout this issue.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Engineers investigating the outage have identified an issue with the backhaul connection for this site, an engineer has been dispatched and should arrive at site by 21:00 18/06/2023 (9PM). An update will provided by 10PM.
    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Identified

    Location: Leicestershire LE17

    We are currently experiencing a network incident in Leicestershire LE17 affecting data services. Engineers are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    We do apologise on behalf of the OFNL Network for the inconvenience caused here. We will continue to do everything within our power to get your services back up and running as soon as possible.

May 2023

  • Resolved

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Work to restore service was completed at 10:14 on 27/05/2023. Customers >should now find services to be working as expected. We will continue to monitor >services to ensure they remain stable.

    Any issues being experienced after this time should be treated as individual >cases and reported in the usual manner.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your >patience throughout this issue.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Third-party engineers are continuing to repair the damaged fibre. Work continued overnight and the engineers are now working on splicing the last remaining fibre tube.

    We are working with the provider to resolve this issue and a further update will be provided as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Third-party engineers are continuing to repair the damaged fibre, the work has been quite extensive due to the severity of the breaks.

    We are working with the provider to resolve this issue and a further update will be provided as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Third party engineers are continuing to repair damaged fibre, the work has been quite extensive due to the severity of the breaks.

    We are working with the provider to resolve this issue and a further update will be provided in 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    It has been identified that the third-party that provide services to us in this area have experienced damage to their fibre network. The provider has dispatched engineering teams to work on and resolve the fault as soon as possible.

    We will continue to work with the third-party provider and will provide an update as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    We have replaced failed equipment on our network, but there is a further fault ongoing on a 3rd parties network. That 3rd party currently has their own engineers attempting resolution.

    A further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    We have replaced failed equipment on our network, but there is a further fault ongoing on a 3rd parties network. That 3rd party currently has their own engineers attempting resolution.

    A further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Our engineers are continuing to work to resolve this issue, replacing the failed equipment and testing the network links supplied by our third-party supplier.

    A further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Update

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Our engineers are continuing to work to resolve this issue, replacing the failed equipment and testing the network links supplied by our third-party supplier.

    A further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Identified

    Please find an update from the OFNL Network below:

    Engineers have attended site and after investigating the problem have found that equipment has failed in our telecommunications cabinet. We are continuing to work to resolve this issue and replace the failed equipment.

    A further update will be provided within 2 hours or as soon as possible.

    We apologise again for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

  • Investigating

    Location: Tockwith YO26

    We are currently experiencing a network incident in the Tockwith YO26 area, affecting voice and data services. Engineers are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as possible or within 2 hours.

    Please do not reset your equipment.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    We do apologise on behalf of the OFNL Network for the inconvenience caused here. We will continue to do everything within our power to get your services back up and running as soon as possible.

Apr 2023

No notices reported this month

Apr 2023 to Jun 2023
